Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Reality of Death in Life

I have been thinking a little about death and dying. I guess this is mostly due to the fact that I am in a Pastoral Care class right now, and much of care deals with death. I think that it is incredibly sad how much fear surrounds the concept of dying. Why are we so afraid to die? Is it because many Christians believe that dying happens because of sin? Thus, death is a punishment for eating some fruit on some tree in the "Garden of Eden." I don't really buy into this view of death. Death is not a punishment. I don't like thinking of death as a punishment or a reward for that matter. It is more helpful for me to think of death as a natural consequence of being alive. We live then we die that's how life works. What happens after that is a bit of mystery, but I think that makes dying that much more exciting.

This mystery is what I think many people fear about death. We don't know what's next. There is this view of heaven and hell, which in a lot of ways sets up an unhealthy dichotomy that makes people fear afterlife. What if I'm going to hell type of questions pop into people's minds. Justin has an awesome post about that check it out. I happen to agree with Justy on many of his points and I think that he says them better than I could, so I'll wait while you check it out.

Paul Tillich in The Courage to Be writes that we have to come to terms with these things by accepting the fact that you are going to die. You have to take this into your being, which in my estimation means understanding that you fear, letting fear be part of who you are while not letting it rule your life. You must take up the fact that you are going to die into your being which in turn will help you to live much fuller and richer lives. It has been a while since I read this book but this is basically how I remember it. I encourage you to read it too, if you found this insight helpful. Although be warned Tillich was a philosopher and theologian which means that sometimes his language is technical. Just remember that as you move through life towards death that this is a natural process that everyone has to do, and that if you can hold the fact that you are going to die and that you are not 100% certain what comes next, although the rest of eternity with God is promised in the Christian faith, you will be freed up to live life more fully.

No worries,


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Yin and Yang

I don't really know what is going on the world, but every time that I read the newspaper, especially the two pages about world news, I get a little sad. Why is it that we mostly talk about the negative in world news? The other day I read that a Spanish political leader was assassinated, that the funerals were going on from the Seminary shooting in Jerusalem. None of that was very uplifting. We don't seem to report very often on the good things going on in the international community. I mean are there any countries that are getting along? I mean there has to be good things going along with the bad things in the world right. You know the yin and yang thing (I have no idea how that is spelled).

With this in mind, I feel that I tend to only really bring up the struggles that I am having with the church and/or society. Thus, now it is time for me to try to name the good things I see. One such good thing is that I have seen a lot of people step out of their comfort zones to help other people out. I did post once about Shane's, Meg's and my experience with feeding the homeless on Truman road. There are countless organizations that are working toward hunger relief, like Bread for the Word and Harvesters to name a couple. I think that a lot of Catholic Charities are wonderful. There is plenty of good going on in the world.

Personally, I have been blessed to have a loving and supportive family. I found a person who I love and who loves me through all of the mess that happens with life. I find that the time I spend with the youth of my church to be very valuable and spirit-filled even we don't talk about anything in particular. I have some great friends that I don't do a very good job of keeping in touch with.

So as you go through your day today (whatever day you may be reading this) keep in mind that there is plenty of good in this world, even if it is not reported as often. Look for those places where we see God and for those people that need to see God through us. Keep your chin up and keep smiling.

Peace, Love and eat your veggies
