So a lot has happened to me since my last post. I have started a new job as the pastor of student ministries at Lee's Summit United Methodist Church. I have moved to Lee's Summit, a town with an apostrophe in its name, which is kind of awesome. And I got a new puppy, a miniature dachshund named Zephyr. He is awesome! It has been kind of a whirl wind. So this is life after school, I was wondering if it really existed.
There is so much new going on in my life that it makes me stop to think about other times that newness strikes in people's lives. Sometimes life seems new and different because of a change in location. Sometimes it seems different because of meeting someone new, falling in love, etc. Sometimes life seems different and new because we lose someone close to us. There of course are those times that newness strikes in the form of realizing God's call on your life, and the new life that comes with intentionally baptizing yourself deeper into the divine being. This is the richest and most beautiful scenario for new life. Life that is deeply entwined with the divine becomes richer, more beautiful and becomes more what life is supposed to be. God is always in front of us calling us into a future that is more in tuned to God and God's love, beauty, and truth.
I pray today that each of you can become more deeply immersed in the divine life, so that you can find the joy, truth, and beauty that comes with knowing God's love and will for your life. Spend some time being washed over by God's love and Grace, so that you can have life as it was meant to be lived, in communion with your creator.