Friday, November 16, 2012

Assertion #3: Moving to another country due to an election is just a silly threat

I hear people say things like I'm moving to Canada, or Australia, or umm...Uzbekistan (I've never hear this one, but still) because whomever has been elected to whichever office.  The absolute worst thing in the world is that they elected some communist, fascist, elitist, backwoods, Muslim, Christian, baby killer man or woman to this important political office (that list of adjectives was kind of fun to make).

After every election cycle we should lose about a quarter of our eligible voters to some other country that may or may not follow whatever principle that they are looking for.  I don't think people actually do the research on these countries.  I mean Uzbekistan, really?  Strangely, this quarter of the eligible registered voters and their families are still here to make this empty threat again.  Until people follow through with this threat, I condemn it as stupid.  When someone from Australia says to me, oh I met this guy who moved here because Obama was re-elected, I'll have to reconsider my thoughts somewhat.

Side note: I think conservatives wouldn't like Australia or Canada.  I hear Uzbekistan is nice (I haven't really heard that) or maybe Germany or Portugal or Saudi Arabia or Mexico, why doesn't anyone say they are leaving for Mexico when their politician loses?

Anyway, what makes people think that another country is going to be any better.  I mean our political system was designed to be slow and it is intentional that everything always grinds to a halt.  Our system is working because it is still really hard to pass a law.  Of course, stupid laws get passed all the time. And yes, the political game is totally annoying and entertaining and stupid (I'm a fan of this work today). Although things change as new people become in charge in this republic, nothing changes super fast.  So stick it out, fight for the changes you think are most important, and fight to preserve things that you think need to be preserved.  In the end, if things get really bad you can always go to a place where nationalize healthcare is in place like Canada or Australia and then everything will be better for you.

1 comment:

PastorRonC said...

Hey Mark
Stopped in to wish you and the family Happy Thanksgiving!!If we moved to another country next week would be a regular work week. I am glad Ive never left...