Friday, December 30, 2011


I don't understand sacrifice in atonement theory.  The sacrificial system is so foreign to me that I can't seem to wrap my head around it.  I kind of get it but not really.  More importantly, I don't understand how it relates to God.  Why does killing something bring us closer to God?  It just doesn't fit.

I have decided for 2012, or at least part of it, I'm going to research sacrifice and how folks following this Jesus guy understand him as an atoning sacrifice.  I think that means I'm going to have to look at the biblical mandate for sacrifice and reinterpretation throughout history.  I'm going to have to look at Girard's thoughts, which I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get a hold of.  And, I'll have to look at evangelical interpretations of it.  At the end of the research, I hope to have some understand of how sacrifice fits into bring creation into a right relationship with God.  Along the way, I'll post thoughts here.

But I'm going to need your help.  What are some great books and resources for the concept of sacrifice?  I took an atonement class in seminary, so actually I have some evangelical books.  I'm looking for some thoughts from more progressive, process/relational sources.  As well as, Jewish understanding of the ancient sacrificial system and why it is no longer necessary.  Please, leave any resources in the comments section. 

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